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200mm Tree & Shrub Range
200mm Shrubs
Our general hedging lines are available in large volumes. These include:
* Gardenia florida
* Murraya paniculata
* Photinia Red Robin
* Buxus japonia
* Buxus micro micro
200mm Trees
We have a broad range of deciduous and ornamental trees, including:
* Jacaranda
* Liquidamber
* Sapium serbiferum – Chinese Tallow
* Liriodendron – Tulip Tree
* Magnolia soulangeana
200mm Grafted Trees
Our grafted tree range includes both ornamental and fruiting trees. These include:
* Pyrus Manchurian
* Pyrus Capital
* Pyrus Cleveland Select
* Pyrus Bradford
* Fruiting Apples
* Fruiting Pears
Please Contact Us to request a current stock list.
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